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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Short title
2. Meaning of certain expressions used in this Act
3. Application of this Act
4. Rules not inconsistent not excluded
5. Acts to be deemed public
6. Provisions in Private Acts
7. Enactments to apply to the whole Island
8. The Crown
9. Provisions to be substantive enactment
10. Preamble, marginal notes and headings
11. References in enactments
12. Amending provisions
13. Date of passing ETC. of statutory instruments
14. Coming into force of enactments
15. Expiration of enactments
16. Exercise of powers before commencement of enactment
17. Statutory powers and duties generally
18. Provision as to holders of offices
19. Provisions as to words of incorporation
20. Offences and penalties
21. Rules of procedure of courts and tribunals
22. Powers of appellate courts
23. Service of documents
24. Deviation in forms
25. Oaths, affirmations and declarations
26. Operation of declaration that enactments are to cease to have effect
27. Effect of repeal
28. Effect of substituting enactment
29. Enactment always speaking
30. Expressions in statutory instruments have same meaning as in enactments
31. Application of interpretation provisions in enactment
32. Corresponding meanings of parts of speech
33. Names commonly used
34. Rules as to gender and number
35. Distances
36. Time
37. Statutory boards, etc.
38. Definitions for legislative purposes
39. Definitions for judicIal purposes
40. Definitions for official purposes
41. Miscellaneous definitions
42. Signification of Governor GENERAL
43. Power of Cabinet to delegate functions
44. Signification and revocation of delegation under section 43
45. Signification and proof of statutory instruments
46. Citation of Act
47. Citation of revised Acts