Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

22.   Capital and surplus accounts


    (1)   Upon the issue by an international business company of a share with par value, the consideration in respect of the share constitutes capital to the extent of the par value and the excess constitutes surplus.


    (2)   Subject to any limitations in the memorandum or articles, upon the issue by an international business company of a share without par value, the consideration in respect of the share constitutes capital to the extent designated by the directors and the excess constitutes surplus, except that the directors must designate as capital an amount of the consideration that is at least equal to the amount that the share is entitled to as a preference, if any, in the assets of the international business company upon liquidation of the international business company.


    (3)   Upon the disposition by an international business company of a treasury share, the consideration in respect of the share is added to surplus.