Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

33.   Registration of fighting dogs


    (1)   Within 6 months of the coming into force of this Act, every owner of a fighting dog shall register that dog with the Minister of Local Government in the prescribed form, and pay the prescribed registration fee.


    (2)   A register of all fighting dogs shall be maintained and shall be open to the public for inspection at all reasonable times.


    (3)   A fighting dog shall not be registered unless the owner presents a certificate in the prescribed form verifying that the fighting dog is spayed or neutered.


    (4)   Subject to subsection (5), there shall be paid a one time fee of $500 for each fighting dog registered.


    (5)   The registration fee required to be paid under subsection (6) may be varied from time to time by the Minister of Local Government by order published in the Gazette.


    (6)   A registration issued in accordance with subsection (1) shall expire on the death of the dog.


    (7)   Despite any other written law, all monies received in respect of registration under this Act shall be retained for the purposes of administering this Act.


    (8)   With every registration granted under this Act, there shall be—


      (a)     issued free of charge and delivered to the dog's owner or his or her agent a metal label or other badge bearing a registration number in such form as may be prescribed by the Minister of Local Government;


      (b)     branded onto the pinna of the ear of the dog the registration number referred to in paragraph (a) or such other form of identification as may be prescribed by the Minister of Local Government.


    (9)   A person who owns a fighting dog shall ensure that—


      (a)     the dog wears a collar at all times; and


      (b)     the metal label or badge referred to in paragraph (9)(a) is at all times securely affixed to the collar worn by the dog.


    (10)   A person who contravenes this section, removes or defaces the metal label, badge or branded registration number or such other form of identification referred to in subsection (9) commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $500.